Governance, Organization, and Policy

Policy 01:03:00

Committee Structure


To establish an effective means whereby employees and students have an opportunity to actively participate in specific areas of institutional decision-making.

For a list of active committees, visit Shared Governance.

Revision Responsibility: President

Responsible Executive Officer: President

Created: July 28, 2009, Revised: August 3, 2010 to demonstrate new committees, January 17, 2011 to reflect revised organizational chart, November 29, 2012 to reflect addition of IT Student and Learning Management System Committee and the elimination of the School of Design committees, December 10. 2012 to include General Faculty Organization, June 17, 2013 to reflect Institutional Effectiveness, Distance Education, and Admissions Department Committee, June 8, 2016 to reflect combining of General Faculty Organization and Nursing Faculty Organization Committee into Platt Faculty Organization.


I. The Role of Committees

Fulfillment of Platt College’s mission requires the active involvement of all members of the College community. The committee structure represents the joint interest of all College constituencies in the operations of the College and provides a formal avenue for participation in shared governance of the institution. The suggestions, comments, and recommendations from the committees provide meaningful input into developing policies and procedures and the decision-making processes of the College. This input is vitally important to those responsible for the administration of College functions.

II. Types of Committees and Terms of Appointment

A. Standing Committees

1. These are permanently established committees with responsibilities related to College functions.

2. With the exceptions of student members who serve one-year terms and those who serve by virtue of their position, the term of appointment is for two years, unless specified differently in the committee’s bylaws/rules. 

B. Ad Hoc Committees

1. These are temporary committees assigned the responsibility of investigating specific issues or topics and making recommendations relative to them.

2. The term of appointment is for the duration of the assignment.

III. Composition and Membership

A. The membership of committees takes into consideration the need for appropriate representation by college constituencies and the need to have personnel knowledgeable of the assigned area on the committee. Because of the nature of some committees, certain members may serve by virtue of position or may be re-appointed regardless of the length of service on these committees.

B. Committees are designed to be working committees.  The size of the committee is determined according to the responsibilities and duties of the committee. Persons appointed to standing committees will be notified by January 1.  Appointments to committees typically expire December 31, except for standing committees that serve for additional periods of time.  Requests for committee service should be made to individuals at least 30 days before the appointment begins. 

C. The administrative officer to whom the committee reports serves as an ex-officio member. Committees may also avail themselves of the advice and assistance of other members of the College faculty, staff, students, and alumni as needed.  


I. Standing Committee Appointments

The Dean of Nursing is responsible for recommending to the President the names of faculty, staff, and students to serve on the standing committees.

II. Reporting Guidelines

A. Each committee has an appropriate administrator (i.e. Dean of Nursing) designated as the normal reporting channel. The committee’s business shall be conducted with this individual who, in turn, has the responsibility for keeping the President and other appropriate personnel informed of the committee’s activities.

B. Minutes should be kept of each committee meeting, approved by the committee members, and sent to the Executive Administrative Assistant for website upload. Committee minutes should be made available to the general College community via the website to the appropriate constituencies, except in the case of committees assigned responsibility for matters requiring confidentiality (for example: grievance hearings, etc.). The minutes should reflect members present, members absent, issues discussed, and actions taken by the committee.

C. Any recommendations by a committee should be sent directly to the appropriate administrative officer with a brief explanation of the purpose of the recommendation. So that committees may operate more effectively, the administrative officers to whom the committees report will keep all committee members informed as to actions taken on the committee’s recommendations.

III. Committee Chairpersons

The committee shall select a chairperson at its first meeting, unless otherwise indicated in the committee charge.

IV. Meetings

The number of meetings should be commensurate with the nature and amount of business to be transacted by the committee; however, to be viable, each standing committee should meet at least twice per calendar year.

V. Organization

A. At the first meeting, the committee will develop internal procedures appropriate to its function. The charge to the committee should be fully understood by each member so that the committee can explore all available means of fulfilling the committee’s charge.

B. Frequency of meetings, times and places should be established. Selection of officers and the determination of subcommittees should also be made as appropriate.

VI. Quorum

A. The attendance requirement in order for a committee to conduct business and the minimum vote for committee recommendations should be determined in accord with the following guidelines at the first meeting.

1. The minimum attendance requirement is one-half of the membership plus one, excluding ex-officio members.

2. The minimum requirement for passage of a recommendation is over 50% of those present. This requirement may be increased, but should not exceed two-thirds of those present.

B. In the event a committee fails to obtain a quorum for two previously called meetings, any business requiring approval will be sent to the appropriate administrator without recommendation.

Committees should follow Robert’s Rules of Order when conducting official committee business.  A quick reference list is available at