Formal Grievance Procedure

Revision Responsibility: Vice President of Academic Affairs

Revision Executive Office: Vice President of Academic Affairs

Purpose: To explain how the formal grievance procedure operates.

Duties of Grievance Committee:

  1. Maintain confidentiality before, during, and after the Grievance Committee session.
  2. Listen, observe, and evaluate the facts as presented.
  3. Objectively deliberate to reach a majority decision.
  4. Propose a course of action as needed.


1)         Grievance procedures provide a fair, consistent review of the facts in accordance with Platt College’s policies and procedures

2)         Composition of Committee

A)  2 students who are not in the accused student’s class or involved in the situation

                              1 vote each

B)  2 Staff/Faculty Member who is not involved in the incident

                              1 vote each

C) 1 Administrator who is not directly involved in the incident or disciplinary action.  Tie Breaker Vote only- Serves as Chairperson and Timekeeper

 3) Sequence of Grievance Hearing                       

A) Grievance Committee convenes at designated time and location                

B) Grievance Committee members’ introductions as facilitated by Chairperson                       

C) Confidentiality agreements signed and collected by Chairperson

D) Reading of the Platt College Grievance Committee Procedure by Chairperson to all committee members with an opportunity for clarification or questions directed to the Chairperson as needed

E)  Chairperson reads the:

  • Statement of Charge
  • Detailed explanation as provided by the grievant on the Grievance Form     

F)  Grievant speaks on his/her own behalf and presents any documentation to the Grievance Committee (twenty minutes allowed).

G)  Grievance Committee Members have the opportunity to ask questions or receive clarification from Grievant (twenty minutes allowed).

H)  Grievant provides his or her own closing statement (three minutes allowed).

I)  Grievant is excused.

J) Platt College employee(s) who is involved in the grievance or investigation of the concern speaks on his/her own behalf and presents any documentation to the Grievance Committee (twenty minutes allowed).

K) Grievance Committee Members have the opportunity to ask questions or receive clarification from Platt College employee(s) (twenty minutes allowed)

L)  Platt College employee(s) provides his or her own closing statement (three minutes allowed).

M)  Platt College employee(s) is excused.

N) Committee deliberation in Closed Session (one hour allowed).

O) If deemed necessary, the Grievance Committee may request additional witnesses or information to be provided.  Statements by additional witnesses summoned by the Grievance Committee will be limited to no more than twenty minutes each for explanations and questions.  In these instances, the Chairperson is responsible for communicating the name of the individual(s) or specific documents needed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.  Any individual(s) that are called for additional information will complete a confidentiality agreement upon entry into the Grievance Committee session.

P)  Majority Vote

  • 3 votes needed to carry decision

Q ) Once a Grievance Committee is convened, a decision must be rendered within four hours of the start time.

Committee Options:

1)         Unsubstantiated – No Finding

2)         Substantiated Finding

A)  College’s action upheld as presented

B)  Recommendation of alternative action with specific consequences consistent with the determined level of violation

3)         Decision is immediately forwarded to the Vice President of Academic Affairs in writing by Chairperson

4)         Grievant is informed in writing within 5 days of the Committee’s Decision by the Vice President of Academic Affairs or designated agent

When a Grievant's legal counsel is present:

1)         No tape recording is allowed.

2)         The presence of legal counsel at an Academic or General Grievance Committee session is allowed by Platt College as a courtesy to the grievant.

3)         Legal Counsel may not speak on the behalf of or for the grievant and is present in the capacity of an observer only.

4)         Legal Counsel may not, at any time, question Grievance Committee members or other individuals summoned by the Grievance Committee.

5)         Questions regarding Platt College Grievance Committee procedures may be directed to the legal counsel of Platt College at any time, but must be done in a room separate from the presence of the Grievance Committee members. Allotted time frames for each   procedural step of the grievance process will not be stopped due to legal counsel sidebars.

Revised: August 4, 2009, Revised July 9, 2014 to reflect revised time frame under Committee Options, Number 4, J-Q Added Under Sequence of Grievance Hearing, June 12, 2015 to combine informal complaint and grievance into one stepped process policy and to revise committee composition to two (2) students, two (2) Platt College employees (staff member(s)/discipline related faculty member(s), and one (1) discipline related Platt College Administrator

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