Policy 03:07:00 Drug-Free Campus

Revision Responsibility: Dean of Nursing

Responsible Executive Office: President

Purpose: To document Platt College’s commitment to be a drug-free workplace and campus and define consequences for individuals violating college policy concerning illicit drugs and alcohol.



Platt College students and employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use of, or being under the influence of, illicit drugs and/or alcohol on Platt College campus, property owned or controlled by Platt College, or as part of any Platt College activity.  This policy applies to all students regardless of enrollment status. 

Although marijuana is legal in the State of Colorado, marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance under federal law and continues to be an illegal substance for purposes of this policy.

In recognition of our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthful learning environment, the manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, possession, or use of a controlled substance, whether alcohol, illegal drugs, or legal drugs used illegally, is prohibited on school premises.  Being under the influence of controlled substances while on school premises is also prohibited.  Only prescription medications provided under a licensed healthcare provider’s signature and supervised by that healthcare provider, and over-the-counter medications used as instructed by the manufacturer are allowed to be used on school premises.  

If Platt College has reasonable suspicion that a student is using illegal drugs or is improperly under the influence of drugs or alcohol while engaged in Platt College related activities, the program will require immediate “for cause” testing at a designated collection site. Platt College will provide safe travel with a Platt College employee to and from the designated collection site for the testing. If a student refuses to submit to an alcohol or drug test, the result will be considered positive. To determine reasonable suspicion, the following factors may be considered, but they do not constitute an exhaustive list of factors justifying a drug or alcohol test:

  • Physical symptoms or manifestations of drugs or alcohol use and impairment such as altered or
  • Slurred speech or repeated incoherent statements, dilated or constricted pupils, flushed skin,
  • Excessive sweating, excessive drowsiness, or loss of consciousness.
  • Unexplained, abrupt, or radical changes in behavior, such as violent outbursts, hyperactivity,
  • Extreme suspiciousness, and frequent and/or extreme fluctuations of mood swings without
  • Inability to walk steadily or in a straight line, or perform normal manual functions essential to
  • Clinical treatment without reasonable explanation.
  • Accidents or “near misses” in a clinical environment that appear related to unexplained sensory or motor skill malfunctions.
  • Perceived odor of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
  • The direct observation of drug or alcohol use.
  • A report of reasonable suspicion provided by a reliable and credible source.

Random drug screens will be conducted by Platt College. 

If a student does not give a specimen for the drug screen, or refuses to give the required specimen, the result will be considered positive.

Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Platt College is committed to raising the awareness of students and employees of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol. 

Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs

The Academic Support and Career Services Coordinator will assist students by providing information concerning treatment resources in the surrounding area and assisting individuals in making initial contact with treatment providers. Students may also be referred to Peer Assistance Services for evaluation and treatment. Any costs incurred or required as part of a treatment program or ongoing monitoring are the responsibility of the student.


Violation of this policy will be subject to one or more of the following actions:

  • Placed on temporary suspension pending drug test results
  • Probation with required evaluation and treatment from Peer Assistance Services
  • Suspension with required evaluation and treatment from Peer Assistance Services
  • This policy allows for the consideration of infractions on a case-by-case basis. Final actions depend on the seriousness of the infraction, the circumstances surrounding the case, and any prior policy violations. 

Conditions for Readmission After Termination

A student who has been permanently terminated from Platt College due to direct violation of college policies and procedures is not eligible to reapply for admissions entrance.


I.           Random drug screens will take place at least once per quarter.

Students will receive two notifications of required random drug test

  • Email notification from the Associate Dean
  • Email notification from American Data Bank (Complio)

Students will need to select a testing site, print the drug test confirmation form and submit the drug test form and a specimen to the collection site within 24 hours of notification.

Platt College will incur the cost of the drug screen for current students.

Revised: August 6, 2009, Revised: January 17, 2011 to reflect revised organizational chart; June 12, 2019 to reflect additions of Complio, random drug screens, and federal law policy for marijuana.

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