Policy 05:14:00 Employee Conduct

Revision Responsibility: President/CEO

Responsible Executive Office: President/CEO

Purpose: To outline standards of professional conduct and work performance expected of College employees in order to provide high quality services to our students and our college community.


I. Application to Employees

This policy is applicable to all personnel hired in faculty, administrative, or staff personnel positions.

II. Standards of Conduct

The following standards illustrate expectations for acceptable work performance and workplace behavior, but may not be all-inclusive.

A. Attendance

  1. Employees should report to work as scheduled by the appropriate administrator.
  2. Employees should report unexpected absences, including reporting late or leaving early, to the appropriate administrator as soon as possible and submit the appropriate form.

B. Work Performance as Measured by the Performance Evaluation Process

1. Administration and Staff

a. Employees earning ratings of “Exceeds Job Expectations” clearly and consistently exceed requirements of their current positions.

b. Employees earning ratings of “Meets Job Expectations” clearly meet requirements of their current positions.

c. Employees earning a rating of “Needs Improvement” demonstrate a level of accomplishment below expected standards of performance.

d. Employees earning “Unacceptable” ratings are performing below minimum job requirements.

2. Faculty

Work performance for faculty will be evaluated through the faculty evaluation process as described in college policy

III. Unacceptable Standards of Conduct (Offenses)

A. Gross Misconduct Offenses

In the case of gross misconduct, immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination may be taken. Gross misconduct may include, but is not necessarily limited to:

  1. Any act or omission that may seriously disrupt or disturb the normal operation of the College.
  2. Any work-related conduct that would subject the employee to criminal conviction.
  3. Theft or dishonesty.
  4. Gross insubordination, such as willful failure to perform assigned duties, responsibilities, or assignments.
  5. Destruction of College property.
  6. Falsification of records, including information on the employment application, or fraud.
  7. Acts of moral turpitude.
  8. Reporting for duty under the influence of intoxicants.
  9. The illegal use, manufacture, possession, distribution, dispensing of controlled substances or alcohol.
  10. Disorderly conduct.
  11. Provoking a fight.
  12. Possession of weapons on College property.
  13. Willful violation of safety rules.
  14. Failure to comply with Platt College policies and procedures.
  15. Such other similar acts involving intolerable behavior by the employee.
  16. Commitment of sexual or racial harassment, or any other covered entities under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  17. Failure to pass the drug or alcohol test.

B. Other Offenses Which May Result in Termination for Adequate Cause

  1. Incompetence or dishonesty in teaching or research.
  2. Willful failure to perform duties and responsibilities for which the employee was employed.
  3. Refusal or continued failure to comply with the policies of the Board, the college or the program/department, or to carry out specific assignments, when such policies or assignments are reasonable and nondiscriminatory.
  4. Capricious disregard of accepted standards of professional conduct.
  5. Failure to maintain the level of professional excellence and ability demonstrated by other members of the faculty in the department of the institution.

C. Other Offenses Constituting Misconduct

These offenses include acts or behaviors that are severe in nature that may or may not constitute gross misconduct, but could result in disciplinary action and/or dismissal.

  1. Leaving the worksite during work hours without permission.
  2. Failure to report to work as scheduled without proper notice to supervisor.
  3. Unauthorized use or release of confidential information acquired through work assignments.
  4. Abuse of time limits placed on lunch breaks and work break.
  5. Unauthorized use of College telephone system.
  6. Unauthorized use of the Internet system.
  7. An absence from duty for more than three (3) consecutive business days without giving proper notice results in automatic resignation not in good standing
  8. Failure to report for duty within two (2) business days after the expiration of an approved leave results in automatic resignation not in good standing
  9. Insubordination.
  10. Other Offenses

These behaviors, which are considered as unacceptable and which may warrant disciplinary action by the college administration, include the following examples:

  1. Improper use of College time.
  2. Improper or unauthorized use of College equipment.
  3. Carelessness resulting in damaged College equipment.
  4. Repeated or unreported absenteeism or tardiness.
  5. Disregard for general College rules and regulations.
  6. Failure to report an accident or equipment failure to appropriate person.
  7. Refusal to work overtime.

IV. Off-the-Job Conduct

Off-the-job conduct undertaken as a representative of the College or in violation of the law may make an employee subject to disciplinary action.

V. Corrective Action

It is the intent of the college to identify employee performance and/or behavior problems in such a way that the employee has a reasonable opportunity to correct the problem without requiring disciplinary action, unless the college administration judges that the circumstances warrant immediate disciplinary action. Corrective actions may be identified in the following ways:

A. Informal evaluation by the supervisor

B. Periodic formal evaluation as required by college policy

C. Interim formal evaluation

D. Oral Warnings

An oral warning is an informal discussion between the employee and his or her supervisor relating to a problem(s) with the employee’s work performance and/or behavior. An oral warning will be documented.

E. Written Warnings

A written warning documents specific disciplinary actions to be taken by the college administration if an employee fails to rectify a problem(s) in her or his work behavior or performance.

VI. Disciplinary Action

The college may take various disciplinary actions for employee misconduct or failure of an employee to correct previously identified work performance or behavior problems.

Disciplinary action may be immediate for severe offenses. Possible disciplinary actions include, but are not limited to:

A. Probation

B. Suspension, with or without pay

C. Demotion

D. Termination


I. Performance Evaluation

A. Informal Evaluation

Supervisors are expected to evaluate employees they supervise continuously throughout the year, informally identifying examples of outstanding performance as well as opportunities for improvement.

B. Formal Evaluation

All employees will be formally evaluated in accordance with either policies for administrative staff, faculty, and staff. These policies provide for identification and documentation of outstanding employee performance as well as identifying opportunities for improvement and plans for improving performance.

C. Interim Evaluation for Support, Administrative and Professional Employees

  1. Supervisors may conduct an interim evaluation anytime during the year if a performance problem cannot be resolved in a less formal way.
  2. Supervisors will outline performance problems, specify corrective actions required and document consequences for failure to improve performance.

D. Oral Warning

  1. The supervisor outline performance problems, specify corrective actions required and document consequences for failure to improve performance.
  2. The supervisor will place a copy of the checklist for inclusion in a confidential file.

E. Written Warning

  1. The supervisor will consult with appropriate vice president prior to the formal meeting with the employee.
  2. The supervisor will document the written warning to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.

II. Disciplinary Action

A. Supervisors will consult with the appropriate vice president prior to taking disciplinary action to assure that actions are consistent with college policy and are appropriately documented.

B. The supervisor will advise the employee of his or her rights under college policy relative to disciplinary actions.

Created: August 6, 2009

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