Policy 05:17:00 Drug-Free Workplace

Revision Responsibility: President/CEO

Responsible Executive Office: President/CEO

Purpose: To document Platt College’s commitment to be a drug-free workplace and campus and define consequences for individuals violating college policy concerning illicit drugs and alcohol.



Platt College employees are prohibited from engaging in the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, use of, or being under the influence of, illicit drugs and/or alcohol on Platt College campus, property owned or controlled by Platt College, or as part of any Platt College activity.  This policy applies to all employees regardless of classification or position. 

Although marijuana is legal in the State of Colorado, marijuana is a Schedule 1 substance under federal law and continues to be an illegal substance for purposes of this policy.

I. Employees

In addition to penalties employees may be subject to under local, state or federal law, employees violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not necessarily limited to:

  1. Probation
  2. Suspension
  3. Demotion
  4. Required participation in, and satisfactory completion of drug counseling or rehabilitation programs
  5. Termination

As a condition of employment, employees, including student employees, must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify their administrator of any criminal drug statute or alcohol abuse conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five days after such conviction.

II.         Drug Free Campus    

In recognition of our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthful learning environment, the manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, possession, or use of a controlled substance, whether alcohol, illegal drugs, or legal drugs used illegally, is prohibited on school premises.  Being under the influence of controlled substances while on school premises is also prohibited.  Only prescription medications provided under a licensed physician’s signature and supervised by that physician, and over-the-counter medications used as instructed by the manufacturer are allowed to be used on school premises.  

As is Platt College, all clinical sites are considered drug free facilities and any employee that is found in violation of this policy will be terminated from the position and reported to the authorities.

If Platt College has reasonable suspicion that an employee is using illegal drugs or is improperly under the influence of drugs or alcohol while engaged in Platt College related activities, the program will require immediate “for cause” testing at a designated collection site. Platt College will provide safe travel with a Platt College employee to and from the designated collection site for the testing. If an employee refuses to submit to an alcohol or drug test, the result will be considered positive.

To determine reasonable suspicion, the following factors may be considered, but they do not constitute an exhaustive list of factors justifying a drug or alcohol test:

  • Physical symptoms or manifestations of drugs or alcohol use and impairment such as altered or
  • slurred speech or repeated incoherent statements, dilated or constricted pupils, flushed skin,
  • excessive sweating, excessive drowsiness, or loss of consciousness.
  • Unexplained, abrupt, or radical changes in behavior, such as violent outbursts, hyperactivity,
  • extreme suspiciousness, and frequent and/or extreme fluctuations of mood swings without
  • explanation.
  • Inability to walk steadily or in a straight line, or perform normal manual functions essential to
  • clinical treatment without reasonable explanation.
  • Accidents or “near misses” in a clinical environment that appear related to unexplained sensory
  • or motor skill malfunctions.
  • Perceived odor of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs.
  • The direct observation of drug or alcohol use.
  • A report of reasonable suspicion provided by a reliable and credible source.

 If the drug screen is returned positive for alcohol or an illegal substance of a drug for which the employee does not have a prescription, the employee can be terminated from his/her position.  If an employee does not give a specimen for the drug screen, or refuses to give the required specimen, the employee will be considered to have a positive drug screen and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Platt College reserves the right to conduct searches for controlled substances at any time on all school property.  These searches can include personal belongings such as bags, brief cases, desks, tool boxes, lap top cases, and vehicles.  However, searches of personal property will occur only if use and /or possession is suspected.  There will be no involuntary personal searches.  However, an individual who refuses to cooperate will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including a written warning for insubordination.  College property can be searched at any time.  Any controlled substance found in such searches will be confiscated by authorized college personnel, and held for possible legal action.    

III.        Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Platt College is committed to raising the awareness of students and employees of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol. 

IV.        Counseling, Treatment and Rehabilitation Programs

The Academic Support and Career Services Coordinator will assist employees by providing information concerning treatment resources in the surrounding area and assisting individuals in making initial contact with treatment providers. 


I.          Dissemination of Policy

A.          Employees

New employees will be given access to  a copy of this policy, as a part of the new employees’ orientation.  New employees will sign orientation forms acknowledging that policies and procedures disseminated as part of their orientation.

II.         Violations

A.          Supervisor Notification of Administration

Any supervisor becoming aware of an employee violation of this policy, whether by virtue of notification by an employee or a conviction or by other means, will immediately notify Platt College administration.

Policy Appendices: Drug-Free Campus Acknowledgment, Drug-Free Campus Termination Letter, Drug-Free Campus Notice of Test Results; Positive, Drug-Free Campus Refusal Forms, Drug-Free Campus Affidavit of Appearance for Testing, Drug-Free Campus Screen Speciman Verification, Drug-Free Campus Authorization for Limited Use or Disclosure of Medical Information

Revised: August 6, 2009, Revised: January 17, 2011 to reflect revised organizational chart, August 30, 2013 to include II. Drug Free Campus, Revised June 20, 2019 to include reasonable suspension, and to include policy on marijuana..

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