Safety and Security policies and procedures

Policy 06:02:00

Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure


To define college guidelines and procedures relative to bloodborne pathogen exposure by employees, including training, required precautions, and reporting of incidents

Revision Responsibility: President

Responsible Executive Office: President

Created: August 6, 2009


I. Application

This policy applies to all employees of Platt College who by virtue of their job duties may occasion an occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens or bodily fluids contaminated by blood.

II. Information for and Instruction of Employees

A. New Employees

  1. At the time of employment, all new employees to whom this policy applies shall be given information and instruction about observing universal precautions to avoid occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens, and will be required to complete a bloodborne pathogen quiz available via the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence website and sign a policy acknowledge form indicating that they understand the policy.
  2. Instruction shall include the use of tags, double bagging, symbols, specific words, or the colors red or red-orange as a means of identifying a biological hazard in the disposal of wastes in college facilities.
  3. Employees in nursing with direct contact with bloodborne pathogens will receive training in removal of blood contaminated body fluid or wastes and lab specimens, and handling of used disposable sharp instruments or other disposable items in appropriate disposal containers by the appropriate administrator.

B. Nursing Employees

Nursing employees shall also be provided individual program policies relative to blood borne pathogen exposure and must comply with policies of their affiliating clinical agencies.

III. Personal Protective Equipment

Appropriate personal protective equipment provided by Platt College shall be worn during any procedure or task that might permit occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens. This includes, single use disposable gloves, goggles or other eye protection, CPR mouthpiece barrier shields, fluid-proof aprons or other appropriate apparel. Employees shall avoid the use of personal protective equipment that is cracked, peeling, badly discolored, having tears or punctures or other evidence of deterioration.

IV. Hepatitis B Immunization

Platt College will offer Hepatitis B Immunization to those employees whose duties involve a risk of direct exposure to blood borne pathogens. An information form will be provided to the employee at the time of employment explaining Hepatitis B immunization. An employee must sign a consent form indicating his or her understanding of the information and orientation to the program and consent or denial to receive the vaccination. These forms will be kept on file within the employee’s medical file.

V. Exposure Incidents

Employees who have an exposure incident will report to the appropriate administrator immediately and affiliating clinical for evaluation.  Only approved medical providers may be used through the college’s insurance coverage.  (All claims must be made within 24 hours of the incident.)

Exposure incidents include, but are not limited to the following:

A. Percutaneous (needle stick or cut) or mucous membrane (splash to eye, nasal mucosa or mouth) exposure to body fluids or cotton exposure to blood when the employee's skin is chapped, abraded or non-intact.

B. Mucous membrane exposure during cardiopulmonary resuscitation if bleeding of face or mouth or open lesions of the lips or oral cavity is present in the victim.