Requirements While on Campus

Mask/Face Covering Requirements

A mask or face covering is required at all times on campus.  Everyone on campus must wear a mask regardless of whether you have had COVID-19 and irrespective of vaccination status.

All face coverings should:

  • fully cover an individual's nose and mouth
  • fit snuggly but comfortably against the side of the face
  • be secured with ties or ear loops, unless a closed cloth gaiter.  No open bandanas are allowed.
  • be made of breathable material, either disposal or reusable.

Best recommendations for masks include: a form-fitted double-layered cloth mask that ties or loops around the head and/or ears. 

Requirements for masks/face coverings include:

  1. Employees within public facilities must wear an appropriate mask or face covering.  This means that individuals who have their own offices and do not have another individual in their office does not have to wear a covering while their door is closed.  Once an individual comes to the office door to enter, all will need to wear a mask. 
  2. Employees and students need to acquire their own masks in accordance with CDC guidelines. Individuals who do NOT have a mask, one will be provided for them. Employees should wash their cloth masks or face using machine wash on gentle cycle using warm water setting and mild detergent after daily usage.  
  3. Any guest who enters the building will be required to wear a mask.

Physical Distancing Requirements

All work that can be done using phones systems and zoom from offices should be used to avoid unneccesary meetings in smaller conference rooms. Keeping space between you and others is one of the best tools to avoid being exposed to this virus and slowing its spread. COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact (within about 6 feet) for a prolonged period of time.  Faculty in the shared office complex will be staggered in terms of when they will be in office to ensure social distancing is occurring. 

Social distancing helps limit opportunities to come in contact with contaminated surfaces and infected people outside the home.  Although the risk of severe illness may be different for everyone, anyone can get and spread COVID-19. Everyone has a role to play in slowing the spread and protecting themselves, their family, and their community.

  • Stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people.  Faculty should stay 6 feet from others.  Without a mask, faculty should stay 12 feet from others.  Instruction in labs and simulations require all to wear face coverings.  
  • Do not gather in groups larger than directed by the state of Colorado.  The current number of 15 or less is per classroom or area, not per the building. 
  • Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings.  We ask that employees and students use their respective lunch room areas only to heat up food and return to a safe distance apart.  Employees are encouraged to eat outside or in their offices. 
  • Follow visual cues and signage such as floor decals, colored tape, or signs indicating where to stand to increase distance between individuals moving through the facility.
  • All employees and students will enter the learning areas upstairs through the main door off the elevator.  The back entrance will remained lock to mitigate unnecessary entry of individuals. 


Employees and students must wash their hands upon arriving to Platt College, after using the restroom and as needed throughout the day.  Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and wash your hands before and after touching your face. 


Healthcare workers and others taking care of those who are sick should use personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves; however, according to the CDC, gloves are NOT necessary for general use and do not replace good hand hygiene. Washing your hands often is considered the best practice for common everyday tasks. 

Goggles/Face Shields

Employees and students do not need to wear goggles or face shields as part of general activity on campus, unless required as part of your normal work duties. Good hand hygiene and avoiding touching your face are generally sufficient for non- healthcare environments. 


For individuals who use mass transit, please consider additional modes of transportation if possible.  Examples include but are not limited to walking, biking, ride sharing with a family member or roommate.  If an individual must use mass transit to commute, please consider extra safety precautions as listed by the CDC recommendations. 

During this time, please consider limiting all non-essential travel in accordance with state and local requirements and guidance.

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