Systematic Evaluation Plan (SEP) Criterion 1.2

Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity

The mission of the nursing education unit reflects the governing organization's core values and is congruent with its mission/goals.  The governing organization and program have administrative capacity resulting in the effective delivery of the nursing program and achievement of identified program outcomes. 


Plan of Action

ComponentMethod(s)When DoneInitiated ByExpected Level of Achievement (ELA)DocumentationFindingsActions(s)Implementation Results
1.2 The governing organization and nursing education unit ensure representation of the nurse administrator and nursing faculty in governance activities; opportunities exist for student representation in governance activitiesReview of committee minutes and membership list called Shared Governance which is maintained on the College Website in comparison to Policy 01:03:00 Committee Structure

Fall Quarter

Odd Years
VPAAIn compliance with Policy 01:03:00 Committee Structure, sixteen current committees with 100% of full-time faculty assigned to at least one committee and at least 1/3 (at least 5 committees) with student representation of at least one student.Shared Governance located on the College Website which outlines each committee's membership and representation

Policy 01:03:00 Committee Structure which outlines the required membership of each committee

Uploaded minutes from individual committees demonstrating attendance

2013: Met: 100% of full time faculty serve on 14 standing committees; Students- Not Met: Students should have been represented on 4 of the 14 standing committees for 1/3 representation, only 2 of the 14 committees had student representation

2015: Met: 100% of full time faculty serve on 16 standing committees; Students - Met. 7 of 16 committees have student representation.

2017: Pending 


2013: Committee Membership was reevaluated by Committee Member Chairs, and additional representation of students was added to 5 more committees for a total of 7 committees with student representation

2015: None

2017: Pending

*Archival of committee minutes are uploaded for the SON within two weeks of meeting date by the Executive Administrative Assistant


2013: 7/16 Standing Committees have student representation

2015: None

2017: Pending

Evidence for Criterion 1.2

Not Applicable-Measured in Odd YearsShared Governance-made public on College website, created in accordance with Policy 01:03:00 Committee Structure and cross-referenced with Committee MinutesNot Applicable-Measured in Odd YearsShared Governance-made public on College website, created in accordance with Policy 01:03:00 Committee Structure and cross-referenced with Committee MinutesNot Applicable-Measured in Odd YearsShared Governance-made public on College website, created in accordance with Policy 01:03:00 Committee Structure and cross-referenced with Committee Minutes


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