Systematic Evaluation Plan (SEP) Criterion 1.7

Standard 1: Mission and Administrative Capacity

The mission of the nursing education unit reflects the governing organization's core values and is congruent with its mission/goals.  The governing organization and program have administrative capacity resulting in effective delivery of the nursing program and achievement of identified program outcomes.


Plan of Action

ComponentMethod(s)When DoneInitiated ByExpected Level of Achievement (ELA)DocumentationFindingsAction(s)Implementation Results

1.7 When present, nursing program coordinators and/or faculty who assist with program administration are academically and experientially qualified

*Nursing Program Coordinators at Platt College is defined as coordinators who directly assist with nursing program administration=

(1) Simulation Lab Coordinator, (2) Clinical Placement Coordinator, (3) Faculty Coordinator of Foundational Liberal Arts, and (4) Academic Support and Career Services Coordinator

*Note: for 2012-Online Services Coordinator and for 2013-Associate Dean of Nursing were applicable.  Beginning January 2014-the organizational chart no longer reflects these positions.

Faculty: not applicable

Academically: Review of official transcripts

Experientially: Review of CVs/Resumes

Academically: Upon initial hire of coordinator(s) and through coordinator self report if academic standing changes

Experientially: Upon initial hire of coordinator(s) and through coordinator self report as continuing education opportunities are completed


100% compliances with Chapter II Rules and ACEN Standards & Criteria for nursing program coordinators.

Official transcripts and CVs/Resumes on File

2012: Faculty Coordinator of Foundational Liberal Arts-S. Thomas hired CV and transcripts verified (MA), yrs. experience/CEs verified

2012: Online Services Coordiantor-K. Hogan hired CV and transcripts verified (MSN), yrs experience/CEs verified

2013: None

2014: Associate Dean of Nursing (position no longer applicable due to organizational chart changes in Dec. 2014) G. Ohmart hired CV and transcripts verified (MSN, EdD) yrs. experience/CEs verified.

Nursing Admissions Coordinator, Rachael Hornbostel, BA, promoted August 2014. CE, transcripts , years experience/CEs verified.

Simulation Lab Coordinator-J. Goers hired CV and transcripts verified (BSN-PhD, in progress) yrs. experience/CEs verified

2015: Academic Support and Career Services Coordinator-D. Dolph hired CV and transcripts verified (MS, CCC, CPRW) yrs. experience/CEs verified

2016: Admissions Representative Promoted to Admissions Coordinator, Mark Finken Hired as Coordinator of IT: March 2016 Dr. Goers promoted to Associate Dean. Transcripts verified.

2017: Pending

2012: None

2013: None

2014: None

2015: None

2016: None

2017: Pending

2012: None

2013: None

2014: None

2015: None

2016: None

2017: Pending

Evidence for Criterion 1.7


Seth Thomas CV and MA Transcript

Karen Hogan CV and MSN Transcript

No New Coordinators Hired During This Year

Dr. Gloria Ohmart CV and MSN Transcript, EdD Transcript

Jama Goers CV and BSN Transcript, PhD Transcript in Progress

Rachael Hornbostel CV

Darla Dolph MS Transcript

Izienicki (on file from original hire as admissions representative) and Finken CV

Jama Goers PhD Transcript



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