Tips for Safety While on Campus

When walking or jogging:

  • Go with someone.
  • Stay away from isolated areas.
  • Try to stay near streetlights.
  • Hold your purse or briefcase tightly, close to your body
  • A front pocket is safer for a wallet than a back one.
  • Dress sensibly. Tight pants, clogs, or heels make movement difficult.

If you're being followed:

  • Cross the street or change directions.
  • Keep looking back so the person knows you can't be surprised.
  • Go to a well-lighted area. Enter anywhere there are people.
  • Notice and remember as much as possible about the person so you can give a good description later.

If you are held up:

  • Don't resist. No amount of money is worth taking chances with your life.
  • Notify local police immediately. Try to give a description that includes approximate age, height, weight, and details on hair, clothing, jewelry, scars, and tattoos - anything that is noticeable.

Protect personal and College property:

  • Lock your door every time you leave.
  • Engrave expensive equipment and valuables with an I.D.number.
  • Don't store your purse in an unlocked classroom.
  • Don't leave your belongings unattended in the library, hallways, laboratories, or classrooms.
  • If you are working late: - Keep your office door locked.
  • Lock all doors behind you when entering or exiting at night.

In a car:

  • Keep doors locked while driving.
  • Don't pick up hitchhikers.
  • Check the back seat before getting into a car.

Protect your car:

  • Always lock your car and take the keys.
  • Lock valuables in the trunk. Park in well lighted areas.
  • Don't hitchhike.

Report suspicious activity and vandalism immediately.

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