Intervention and Early Warning Signs

The College has several options available for students and Team Members who need to address alcohol and other drug abuse issues. The College can refer those who need assistance to local community health organizations to provide counseling for students and Team Members. Students and Team Members may be referred to mandatory alcohol or drug abuse counseling as a condition of conduct probation or a condition for continued enrollment/employment.

Biennial Review of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) require an institution of higher education, such as Platt College, to certify it has implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and the use or distribution of illicit drugs by the College’s students and employees both on its premises and as a part of any of its activities. At a minimum, each institution of higher education must annually distribute the following, in writing, to all students and employees:

Policy 03:30:00 Yellow Ribbon Program

Revision Responsibility: Director of Financial Aid

Responsible Executive Office: President

Purpose: Platt College is honored to have been selected by the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) as a participating institution of the Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program.  This policy outlines the eligibility and application process.


Annual Clery Fire Safety Report

The Higher Education Act and Clery Act require institutions with on-campus housing to disclose annual fire reports and submit them to the Department of Education. While Platt College does not have on-campus housing, Platt College still presents our constituents with information regarding fire safety that contains the following information:

Resources for Financial Aid Success

At Platt College, when you are successful, we are too!  In the financial aid department, we strive to make sure you making informed financial decisions, in particular with regard to the student loan process.  Our goal at Platt College is to help you throughout the program by providing tools (lunch and learns, class presentations, etc.) to manage personal finances, establish financial goals, and form a financial plan while in school.

The following resources are available 24/7 to help: