
Graduation Rate:

Based on the time period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020: 66 individuals graduated with 28 graduating on time at the end of 12 quarters, with a completion rate of 50.51% and 56.00% completing the program within the normal time frame.

Estimated Calculated Percentage of Title IV Earned Based on LDA

The following chart is an estimated calculated percentage of Title IV earned based on last date of attendance for leave of absences (LDA) , temporary suspensions, terminations, and withdrawals from the program.  These are estimated calculations of Title IV basded on student's eligibility and financial aid package during the quarter.  For more specific information regarding financial aid, please see Laura Kellogg or Brad Hettich. 

Receiving a Refund After Withdrawal from the Program

Who Can Get a Refund?

A student may withdraw from the program in writing to the Registrar and is entitled to a refund (if applicable) on or before 30 days from the student’s date of determination of withdrawal with the Registrar.  Platt College, for refund purposes, defines one quarter by 11 weeks.  Depending on which week of the quarter you withdraw from the program, the following chart outlines the amount of refund you can expect less the application fee and any tuition and fees from any previous quarters.

Pay with Outside Scholarships

Platt College is required to reduce your financial need by the amount of any scholarships and grants awarded to you by providers outside the college. The aid the College is offering you will be affected as a result.  Outside scholarship funds are typically made payable through check and are to be submitted to the Financial Aid Office. 

Pay with Outside Tuition Loan

At Platt College, our financial aid department is committed to finding ways to help you fund your dream of becoming a professional nurse.  If your tuition isn't fully covered by financial aid funds, you might consider private student loans, sometimes referred to as alternative loans. 

Platt College encourages students to seek federal student loans first, including a Parent PLUS Loan, which may help fund your education at a lower entrance rate.  Also consider exhausting all scholarship and grant options prior to considering taking out alternative loans.

Pay Using Installment Plan

Platt College's interest-free tuition installment plan allows students to spread out tuition and fee payments during an academic year (a time period of 9 months or 3 quarters).  Students who elect to pay using the installment plan must meet with the Financial Aid Officer to complete and sign a payment plan.  Students must make their payment in accordance with their current signed payment plan on the first business day of each month.  All payments must be made no later than 5 days after the due date in order to remain in good standing.  Student may elect to make payments

Pay Using Installment Plan

Platt College's interest-free tuition installment plan allows students to spread out tuition and fee payments during an academic year (a time period of 9 months or 3 quarters).  Students who elect to pay using the installment plan must meet with the Financial Aid Officer to complete and sign a payment plan.  Students must make their payment in accordance with their current signed payment plan on the first business day of each month.  All payments must be made no later than 5 days after the due date in order to remain in good standing.  Student may elect to make payments

Pay My Tuition

We understand that sometimes you need help paying your tuition bill.  Platt College offers multiple options for students to pay their tuition while attending school.

Choose from the Tuition Payment Options Below

Pay with Financial Aid

Pay with Alternative Funding

Pay in Person

Pay by Mail

Pay Online

Defining Credit Balances

What is a credit balance and how do I know if I have one?

When you pay for school at Platt College using Federal Student Aid (FSA) the total amount of your award (loan or grant) is paid directly to Platt College to cover your tuition and fees.  A credit balance from excess federal student aid, also known as a Title IV credit balance, results when the following conditions are met: